Sexson sarcastically posed the question in class on Wednesday, "Who would like to live in the world of Don Quixote and Romanticism?" Where is the fun in that! Especially, when we can live in a world of hyper realism, where everything we do and say is exactly how it happened, total and utter fact. Amidst modern society's obsession with reality television, celebrity gossip (I am guilty of reading US Weekly daily), and the latest political or social scandal, I am beginning to long for a world of Romanticism. A world in which there are values in place and honor to be gained through one's actions of nobility and valour. Where people's fate is determined upfront based on their actions and character. There is no accountability for one's own actions. Our sue happy society has managed to find a way to pass the blame to anything and everything around them. I am sick and tired of watching ridiculous people degrade themselves for a lens, fame, and money. The fact that I know more about Britney Spears pathetic life and not about how to improve daily life around me is...quite frankly...sad. So maybe I will start my Quixote revolution, in which delusions of grandeur and honor take center stage over REALITY, Bluck:(
Chaundera - You sound distressed. I think the problem with concepts like the Quixotic ideal and other romantic notions is that they seem ideal, when really they aren't. Remember that Don Quixote saw Dulcinea as beautiful and not as a prostitute. Romantic? Sure. Safe for him? Nope. I mean, if Richard Gere had picked up anyone other than Julia Roberts, he would probably be dead or riddled with venereal disease. As much as I hate to say it, it's not safe to live in a romantic world. Sadly, not even children can - we have to relieve them of their romantic notions early in order to keep them safe. The world of the romantics is a nice place to visit, but I don't think you can live there.
I have to agree with Melanie. She is wise beyond her years. But I do feel you Chaundera, sometimes I wish the same kinds of things.
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